Plasnewydd Primary School

Plasnewydd Primary School

Together we achieve



Resources, support, contact numbers



Bridgend MASH

South Wales Police MASH Staff (PPU)

Phone: 01656 815808 

Safeguarding Adults Team


Phone: 01656 642477

Information, Advice and Assistance (IAA) Team (Children)

Phone: 01656 642320


                 Counselling service for young people

Children and young people between 10 and 25 can access a counselling service in Bridgend County Borough. The main goal of counselling is to develop emotional resilience.

Counselling gives the opportunity to talk about things that concern you one to one with a qualified counsellor. Counsellors are trained to listen to people without judging and to help to sort out thoughts and feelings.



A key feature is that information discussed in the counselling session is treated ‘in confidence’ so you feel confident to discuss concerns openly and freely. This means information is only shared when you agree, or if a client seems at risk of serious harm to themselves or others. With the latter, they would need support from other agencies to keep them safe.







Early Help Screening Team

The Early Help Screening Team is the first contact point for any professional, parent, child or young person to get the information, advice and assistance you need in Bridgend.

The Screening Officers are available to listen to your situation, identify what support is best for you and can help you access it.

The Screening Team can help you find support services including money advice, housing, welfare benefits, child behaviour, childcare, health and well-being, parental support and much more.

The Screening Team work alongside Schools, Police, Health, Social Services to ensure that you access the right support, from the right service at the right time.


Telephone: 01656 815420

Support Services

The following services are available to sup

port children, young people and their families in the Bridgend area.

Some of these services are local and others are delivered by national support agencies.

Feel free to have a look and if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to contact those services with the contact numbers provided in the links.

If you are an organisation in Bridgend delivering support to children and families, please use the contact form to share your information with us.